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宋丽雅 来源:化学与材料工程学院    阅读次数:  2021-02-19



教授 博士


1996 年7月毕业于河北大学生物系微生物与生物化学专业,获学士学位;
1996 年7月至2000年8月就职于华北制药集团新药研发中心,任助理工程师;
2003 年7月毕业于解放军军事医学科学院,获硕士学位;
2007 年7月毕业于中国科学院微生物研究所,获博士学位;期间赴爱尔兰Watford Institute of Technology进行合作研究;
2007 年7月至2009年7月于军事医学科学院进行博士后研究;
2009 年8月进入北京工商大学工作。
1.   化妆品植物功效添加剂(天然植物抑菌剂)的研究与开发
2.   皮肤微生态研究
3.   化妆品功效和安全评价研究
1.   Yumei Zheng, Haiyun Liang, Mingyue Zhou, Liya Song*, Congfen He. Skin bacterial structure of young females in China: the relationship between skin bacterial structure and facial skin types. Exp. Dermatol. 2020 Apr 29. doi: 10.1111/exd.14105
2.   Yumei Zheng, Haiyun Liang, Ziyi Li, Meng Tang, Liya Song*. Skin microbiome in sensitive skin: the decrease of Staphylococcus epidermidis seems to be related to female lactic acid sting test sensitive skin. Journal of dermatological science. 2020. 97(3): 225-228
3.   S. Mei Cui, T. Li, Q. Wang, K. Ke He, Y. Mei Zheng, H. Yun Liang. L. Ya Song*. Antibacterial effects of Schisandra chinensis extract on Escherichia coli and its applications in cosmetic. Current Microbiology. 2020.05.77 (5): 865-874
4.   Qian Wang, Shumei Cui , Zhou L , Keke He, Liya Song*, Haiyan Liang, Congfen He. Effect of cosmetic chemical preservatives on resident flora isolated from healthy facial skin [J]. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2019, 18: 652-658
5.   Yumei Zheng, Qian Wang, Laiji Ma Yuanyuan Chen, Ying Gao, Gaolei Zhang, Shumei Cui, Haiyun Liang, Congfen He, Liya Song*. Alterations in the skin microbiome are associated with disease severity and treatment in the perioral zone of the skin of infants with atopic dermatitis. [J] .Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis., 2019, 38: 1677-1685.
6.   Liya Song, Qian Wang, Yumei Zheng et al. Cheek Microbial Communities Vary in Young Children with Atopic Dermatitis in China. [J]. Dermatology, 2019. 236 (2):160-169
7.   Yumei Zheng, Qian Wang, Laiji Ma, Yuanyuan Chen, Ying Gao, Gaolei Zhang, Shumei Cui, Haiyun Liang, L iya Song*, Congfen He. Shifts in the skin microbiome associated with diaper dermatitis and emollient treatment amongst infants and toddlers in China. [J] . Exp. Dermatol., 2019. 28(11):1289-1297
8.   Liya Song, Shumei Cui, Ting Li, Shuran Yang, Qian Wang, Keke He, Yumei Zheng, Congfen He*. Antibacterial effects of Schisandra chinensis extract on Staphylococcus aureus and its application on food. [J] J ournal of Food Safety. 2018. 38 (5): 1113-1117
9.   Zhiqiang Zhou, Liya Song, Xiaoxing Zhang , Xinhai Li, Na Yan, Renpei Xia, Hui Zhu,  Jianfeng Weng, Zhuanfang Hao, Degui Zhang, HongjunYong, Mingshun Li, Shihuang Zhang. Introgression of opaque2 into waxy maize causes extensive biochemical and proteomic changes in endosperm. PLoS ONE. 2016. 11(8): e0161924.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161924
10.  Xinxin Xu, Chao Fan, Liya Song, Jinyang Li, Yuan Chen, Yuhong Zhang, Bo Liu* , Wei Zhang*. A novel creA-mediated regulation mechanism of cellulase expression in the thermophilic fungus Humicola insolens. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20: 36
11.  Chao Fan, Xinxin Xu,  Liya   Song, Weishi Guan, Jinyang Li, Bo Liu, Pengjun Shi, Wei Zhang. The use of  Agrobacterium‑mediated insertional mutagenesis sequencing to identify novel genes of Humicola insolens involved in cellulase production. 3 Biotech.  2018. 8:153
12.  Zhiwei Zhang, Fenghua Zhang, Liya   Song, Ning Sun, Weishi Guan, Bo Liu, Jian Tian, Yuhong Zhang, Wei Zhang. Site-directed mutation of β-galactosidase from   Aspergillus candidus to reduce galactose inhibition in lactose hydrolysis. 3 Biotech. 2018, 8:452
13.   Xinchao Li, Congfen He, Liya Song, Ting Li, Shumei Cui, Liping Zhang, Yan Jia*.Antimicrobial activity and mechanism of Larch bark procyanidins against Staphylococcus aureus. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 2017, 49(12):1058-1066.
14.  郑玉梅, 孟若琳, 彭海悦, 蒋锐, 宋丽雅*, 董坤, 何聪芬. 青少年痤疮面部皮肤微生物群落结构变化, 微生物学通报. 2019, 46(12):3414~3423.
15.  郑玉梅, 吴文海, 宋丽雅*, 何聪芬. 北京31例20 ~ 25岁健康在校女大学生面部主观皮肤类型与皮肤微生物的关系. 2019, 52(7): 467-474.
16.  王茜, 高莹, 张高磊, 宋丽雅*, 何聪芬. 皮肤微生态与特应性皮炎. 临床皮肤科杂志, 2018, 47(10): 73-77.
17.  崔树梅, 曹孟岑, 杨雪晨, 李梦洁, 何聪芬, 宋丽雅*. 根皮素在化妆品中的应用. 日用化学工业. 2018,48(2):113-118.
18.  李婷, 崔树梅, 周梨, 周月, 宋丽雅*. 厚朴水提物与大肠杆菌基因组DNA的结合方式. 中国食品学报, 2018, 18(12): 308-314.
19.  王茜, 陈园园, 宋丽雅*, 何聪芬. 皮肤微生态与化妆品研发. 日用化学工业, 2017, 47 (3): 168-173
20.  李婷, 周月, 宋丽雅*, 何聪芬. 植物抑菌剂抑菌机理的研究方法进展. 北方园艺. 2016, 40(04):179-184
21.  宋丽雅, 倪正, 樊琳娜, 李婷, 于群. 花椒抑菌成分提取方法及抑菌机理研究. 中国食品学报, 2016, 16(3):125-130
[1] 2019年获评优秀研究生导师。
[2] 2016年获得北京工商大学教育教学成果二等奖。
[3] 2013年获得北京工商大学教学优秀奖二等奖。